Chi Nei Tsang
Transformation and Cleansing
This is a gentle massage in the visceral area of the abdomen along with sounds considered to be healing because according to Taoist tradition, they transform the energy of the internal organs. Ancient oriental traditions consider this area to be the place where the energy that comes down from the universe and the energy that comes up from the earth meet making it very important to keep it free from blockages in order to maintain good health.
This massage helps us to reestablish a good flow of energy towards the organs, improving their performance, improves balance, alleviates menstrual pains, improves bowel movements, blood and lymphatic circulation, eliminates toxins and boosts immunity.
Sound Massage
Mental silence, Inner peace
Sound massage is based on sound therapy. Everything in the universe has its own vibration and we all have our own sounds which vary in accordance with the state of our mental and physical health. According to the principals of resonance higher vibrations will move into nearby lower vibrational states. .
Through vibration of sound the brain is able to generate neurotransmitters and free endorphins restoring well-being and harmony in this state of mental silence and inner peace with lasting positive effects. Sound massage is an experience of gentle but at the same time profound, reconnection with our essential being.