Sònia Giménez


Integral Rebalancing And wellbeing

Shiatsu is the integral balancing through physical and energetic stimulation and it is through this that I wish to address my response. It involves a massage of Japanese origin that is mainly characterized by rhythmic pressures and by treating a person overall: it acts on the body, on the energy that flows in it and on emotions and thoughts. 


The stretches and movements on the muscles, meridians, joints and different parts of the body complement the pressures. Unlike other massages, neither oils or creams are used. In fact, contact is always through clothes (comfortable cotton clothing or a piece of material covering the skin).

Muscular contractions, insomnia and anxiety, stress and lack of concentration, emotional inestability, digestive or respiratory problems are all symptoms of personal imbalance and it is here that Shiatsu can help you.

We have the capacity to rediscover our physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual balance. Shiatsu is a pleasant and natural stimulus which awakens our capacity when we have surpressed it.



Japanese Thermi

Relaxation and Energy

The Ito Thermie is a Japanese manual technique which brings together the rebalancing effects of therapeutic herbs, friction and pressure massages and of regulated heat applied by an instrument called a ‘reionki’. During the session, a pleasant and relaxing massage is given on the skin with this apparatus which contains a mixture of pressed herbs (of which Mugwort plant is the main ingredient) which slowly burn.


The effects are especially recommended for imbalances caused by cold and humidity such as common colds and rheumatism. With pains caused by contractures, it helps with tiredness and fatigue, boosts vital defenses, vascularization and oxygenation of the area where it is applied, accelerating cellular renovation.   

It is a comforting treatment and although it is offered as a differentiated session of 30/40 minutes doing the complete job in order to obtain maximum benefits, it is sometimes also offered with a Shiatsu session at local level .


Japanese Facial Massage

Beauty and balance

Japanese facial treatment sessions are not only suitable for aesthetic reasons but also for people that have to tense the face due to their professional practice for example teachers, actors, singers etc. They not only experience facial tension but also in the neck and even visual tension which can cause discomfort and premature aging as well as difficulties in carrying out their work. 

It is a treatment that brings together different techniques of facial massage and is a synthesis between Oriental and Western (Kobido, lymphatic drainage and Shiatsu).  Special wooden tools for facial massage also add to the benefits of facial sculping Woodtherapy.  Organic skincare products of the highest quality are used to ensure an integral and coherent treatment creating synergy amongst all the elements in a way that the result is more than the sum of its parts. 


The skin is drained and firmed, the neck, face and nape muscles are relaxed and/or toned and certain facial and cranial energy points are stimulated.

As well as improving tone and the tired look from the face, creating a fresh and serene appearance, it also releases tension in the facial and neck muscles, eliminates toxins and balances and harmonizes the energy not only from the face but also boosts general vitality.


Japanese Foot Massage: Soku Shin Do

Partial stimulation, Total Reflex strengthening

Japanese foot massage is very enjoyable, not painful like some other reflexologies and is carried out with a bio vegetable oil that deeply nourishes the skin of the entire foot, ankle and leg.

It stimulates reflex zones, meridian energy points in the lower limbs, relieves muscular tensions and loosens the toe joints, boosts circulation of energy, blood and lymphs and therefore increases the elimination of toxins as well as improving the digestive and endocrine system.


Pressure, stretches, deep kneading, friction, percussions and vibrations with greater or lesser intensity as appropriate provide a profound sensation of relief and a rebalancing and revitalizing effect.


It is particularly recommended for people who stand a lot in their work, who suffer from muscular stiffness or pain in their legs and feet, heavy legs, sportsmen and women, walkers and dancers...


Manual Lymphatic Drainage and Body Natural Synergy

Awaken and Remodelling

Manual lymphatic drainage is a slow technique of pumping to push the lymph which activates lymphatic and vascular circulation using gentle pressure on the skin. We redirect liquid mass, proteins, fats and dead cells acting on inflammation and swellings caused by the retention of liquids and toxins in the different tissues. It is extremely relaxing. In some cases of inflammation, the drainage allows tissues to be worked on which other massages wouldn’t be able to. It is applied directly to the skin without oils.



Body Synergy is a non-invasive holistic treatment which is personalised to reduce fat, firm body tissue and reduce inflammation of the abdomen. It is a combination of different techniques which enhance each other: Manual lymphatic drainage, wood sculpting (body sculpting with a wooden implement) with high-quality powerful active ingredients which are absorbed by the skin leaving no residue, providing all the necessary plant concentrates, reaffirming oils and lipo-reducers.



Body balancing treatment is designed to be combined with a session of Shiatsu and Chi Nei Tsang in order to obtain the best results. 


Chi Nei Tsang

Transformation and Cleansing

This is a gentle massage in the visceral area of the abdomen along with sounds considered to be healing because according to Taoist tradition, they transform the energy of the internal organs. Ancient oriental traditions consider this area to be the place where the energy that comes down from the universe and the energy that comes up from the earth meet making it very important to keep it free from blockages in order to maintain good health.


Recent scientific studies have confirmed that the digestive system’s neural network (the so-called ‘second brain’) although it doesn’t actually produce thoughts, it is responsible for the production of certain neurotransmitters and hormones such as seratonin and therefore influences mood, sleep...

This massage helps us to reestablish a good flow of energy towards the organs, improving their performance, improves balance, alleviates menstrual pains, improves bowel movements, blood and lymphatic circulation, eliminates toxins and boosts immunity.  



Sound Massage

Mental silence, Inner peace

Sound massage is based on sound therapy. Everything in the universe has its own vibration and we all have our own sounds which vary in accordance with the state of our mental and physical health. According to the principals of resonance higher vibrations will move into nearby lower vibrational states. .



In the session, different sized Tibetan bowls are made to ring (or ‘sing’) and they are placed upon or near the person’s different energy centres harmonising and producing a relaxing effect and one of interior peace.


Through vibration of sound the brain is able to generate neurotransmitters and free endorphins restoring well-being and harmony in this state of mental silence and inner peace with lasting positive effects. Sound massage is an experience of gentle but at the same time profound, reconnection with our essential being.

